전자자료검색 단국대학교 퇴계기념도서관
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year in (i) journals, the titles of which are listed in the Thomson-Reuters Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-e) and/or Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Brill Online Books and Journals. Brill Online Books universities. DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journal Federation. Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). In Pedagogy, Culture and Society Journal of Educational Discussions UK Kemmis Stephen & Smith Tracey ( 2007) Generating Praxis in Enabling Praxis, Researchers · COVID-19 index · Publications · Journals · Institutions · API. About us.
Information: SSCI: Journal coverage list (ALL CAPS for complete coverage, Title Case for partial coverage) This journal is the first open access journal of its kind dedicated to the social sciences that publishes original research and review articles spanning the ful Ders 1: SSCI-SCI-AHCI Dergiler ve Web of Science. Ders 2: Hangi Dergilere Makale Gönderilmez (Predatory). Ders 3: Springer Journal Suggester Modülü. 경제 저널의 정보를 정리한 표. No. Journal Title, ISSN, 5-Year Impact Factor, Total Cites, Link. 1, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, 0022-0515, 11.762 7 Aug 2019 our flagship journal, the European Educational Research Journal (EERJ) has been accepted by the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).
Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more. Se hela listan på easst.net How to find the RIGHT Journals - Publish for free - SSCI | Scopus | GoogleScholar | Journal Finder -ResearchBeastOn many research support groups, I see one According to the latest issue of Journal Citation Reports, the JFE ranked third among finance journals in 2019 [second if you ignore Forbes magazine which was recently added to this category by SSCI].
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social sciences citation index 39. european journal of work and … 2018-03-23 · Some journals are also index in the Expanded SCI or Expanded SSCI, which is a wider list of journals, and in wider Clarivate journal databases for Current Contents (CC); aside from those listed here, most Expanded or CC journals are not SSCI, SCI, or A&HCI journals, though the Expanded databases include possible candidates for future inclusion in the SSCI, SCI, or A&HCI. Every article and all cited references from every journal have been indexed, creating the most comprehensive and complete citation network to power both confident discovery and trusted assessment. Only the Web of Science Core Collection indexes every piece of content cover-to-cover, creating a complete and certain view of over 115 years of the highest quality research.
전자자료검색 단국대학교 퇴계기념도서관
Journal List (SCOPUS) Journal List SCIE & SSCI (Web of Science) [with Quartile] Journal List Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science) 2021; Journal List Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science) 2021; Journal List (USM Publication) Journal List (ERA) Journal List (Directory Open Access Journal) Journal List (MyJurnal) Browse, search, and explore journals indexed in the Web of Science.
Aus dem SSCI wird der Impact Faktor für die sozial-, geisteswissenschaftlichen und psychologischen Fachgebiete
Search for SCIE journals ( full list of SCIE journals here) Search for SSCI journals ( full list of SSCI journals here) Search for ISI journals .
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(Help on the Search in the Lists of SCI, SSCI, and A&HCI Journals) The search text must appear literally in the journal list Search also for related ISSNs (only relevant in the search for ISSNs) Search for SCIE journals ( full list of SCIE journals here) Search for SSCI journals ( full list of SSCI journals here) Search for ISI journals . EI compendex website ( Note: to download the list of EI journals and proceedings in Excel format, (1) click on this link and then (2) click on "Compendex source list" ) Journals in the JCR with a Journal Impact Factor Full Title Abbreviated Title Country/Region SCIE SSCI ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ACCOUNTS CHEM RES UNITED STATES ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ACCREDIT QUAL ASSUR GERMANY ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL ACI MATER J UNITED STATES ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL ACI STRUCT J UNITED STATES MDPI also publishes a series of open access conference journals in all research fields. If you are organizing an academic conference and are interested in this service, please click here to receive a quote. Note: the following list shows 6 MDPI journals that are currently covered in SSCI / Web of Science. With the addition of Century of Social SciencesTM, SSCI ® delivers.comprehensive backfile and cited reference data from 1900 to 2009.
The latest impact factor of 2019 (JCR 2018, PSYCHOLOGY, SSCI) has been released!
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Social Sciences is published monthly online by MDPI. 254 rows Every article and all cited references from every journal have been indexed, creating the most comprehensive and complete citation network to power both confident discovery and trusted assessment. Only the Web of Science Core Collection indexes every piece of content cover-to-cover, creating a complete and certain view of over 115 years of the highest quality research. Browse, search, and explore journals indexed in the Web of Science.
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Continuing in this vein, an Impact Factor is an indicator of the median number of cites that an article in a journal in a given period has received. These can be skewed by a number of high performing papers. Since 2017 we have been preparing for publishing an SSCI level international journal based on the accumulation of AECF activities. This year the forumAECF2020 is celebrating the launching of the new journal, Asia and the Global Economy(AGE) published by the major publisher, Elsevier. According to the latest issue of Journal Citation Reports, the JFE ranked third among finance journals in 2019 [second if you ignore Forbes magazine which was recently added to this category by SSCI].