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IOP Publishing. CLOCKSS Archive. 2009. 2021.
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2020-06-23 · ICMMME--Scopus 2021 : 2021 The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (ICMMME 2021)--Scopus Scopus Indexed Environmental Science Journals E-ISSN P-ISSN Source Title 1844-9166 : 1844-8143 : AACL Bioflux 1572-8358 : 0001-5342 : Acta Biotheoretica 1936-7317 : 1936-6612 : Advanced Science Letters 1998-1066 : 1995-0756 : Advances in Environmental Biology 1687-9317 : 1687-9309 : Advances in Meteorology IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) are asked to submit a paper only if all authors of the paper agree in full to the terms of the licence. All papers submitted to us for publication in the above titles will be published according to the following terms and conditions.
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process of research: Emerald Database, IOPscience, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ABI/INFORM AlmirPestekisbasedatthe SchoolofEconomicsand Business,Universityof Sarajevo,Sarajevo,Bosnia AndHerzegovina. MaidaSarvanisbasedat NLBBankd.d.Sarajevo, Sarajevo,BosniaAnd Herzegovina. Received 10January2020 Revised 28February2020 Accepted 1 March2020 ©Almir Pestekand Maida
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